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M977 Oshkosh 1/87 Roco/Herpa Minitanks


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Well, don't know if it will make you feel really but anyway:


The model is made by Roco, now repacked by Herpa in Minitanks series. Made of plastic (the best I've seen so far - very crisp and fine like Tamiya's, but harder like resin kits), wheel axes are of steel, wheels are of rubber. The baby comes semiassembled, missing delicate parts on frets (like conventional plastic kits) are packed in plastic bags - the model is designed greatly, almost all parts go together without glue, on "clicks", so finished and painted model can be disassembled again for more modifications or repainting.


Concerning geometry - Roco models are perfect as always, especially recent ones (approx. after year 2000) - there are no mistakes to correct, what I especially hate in conventional kits. Well, there probably are some simplifications which are because of too small scale (1/87), those you may want to remodell to more fine representation, but you can leave as it is, it will do.


Price is higher than, say, conventional plastic kits in 1/72 scale, but if we compare the joy it brings and the speed of modelling - it is cheaper. It's like to make adequately-looking model from some 1/72 kit, you have to buy some photoetching parts, resin parts, and put much time (which also cost money as we know) into it. For Roco models you just have to delicately disassemble it, make all parts look fine and to scale (remove parting lines, put putty into holes, make sheets more thin where needed and so on), paint it and delicately assemble together. It takes approx 2 weeks for a model, the fun is great, the model looks good, it is properly correct, and most importantly - it doesn't take much space in your showroom!


Concerning this M977 - what I added or remodelled is as follows:


Original parts can be seen here: http://www.mediafire.com/?sharekey=36810c6d8167157d91b20cc0d07ba4d2a378cc8f296fd309


Drilled out headlights, put alu foil inside (reflector shaped from foil circle with steel ball + foil strip turned over small drill over reflector for headlight cylindrical walls), some drops of tamiya clear acryl - and voilez-vous - perfect headlights!

Crane controller handles are of 0.1mm steel wire, 4 pieces turned U-shape and inserted from behind into 0.3mm drilled holes, polystyrene sheet glued from behind. Black balls on handles are of PVA (white glue) painted with tamiya black.

Cabin glassing toned blue (like it should be on real vehicle) with blue marker, painted all over from inside, cleaned with tissue, again painted only over edges.

Thinned and modelled to proper bottom window for driver, glued clear plastic window into it as well.

Mirrors are of Oracal self-adhesing plastic.

Frontal fret is a bit modified to look authentic.

Exhaust cover is of round foil.

Wheel axes are shortened 1mm each (common mistake on many Roco models - too long axes so wheels go out of wheel arches).

Replacement wheel disk is remodelled, handle added.

Crane hook was put on 0.1mm steel wire, wire that holds rail is made of 4 x 0.1mm wires turned together.

The rail is of steel, very real and to 1/87 scale, from rail modeller's accessories. Cut in 60mm parts with diamond disk on 20 000 rpm and rusted naturally in tin coffee pot.

Crane is all working, may be I will add hydraulic lines and make it automatic as well some day... 8)


Brush-painted with tamiya nato green overall, toned down with tamiya flat black. Silver is Pilot G-1 pen, the smallest fraction I've seen.


Any questions unanswered? 8)

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